The Oxford Guide to English Grammar is a systematic account of grammatical
forms and the way they are used in standard British English today. The emphasis is
on meanings and how they govern the choice of grammatical pattern.
The book is thorough in its coverage but pays most attention to points that are of
importance to intermediate and advanced learners of English, and to their
teachers. It will be found equally suitable for quick reference to details and for the
more leisured study of broad grammar topics.
A useful feature of the book is the inclusion of example texts and conversations,
many of them authentic, to show how grammar is used in connected writing and
in speech.
forms and the way they are used in standard British English today. The emphasis is
on meanings and how they govern the choice of grammatical pattern.
The book is thorough in its coverage but pays most attention to points that are of
importance to intermediate and advanced learners of English, and to their
teachers. It will be found equally suitable for quick reference to details and for the
more leisured study of broad grammar topics.
A useful feature of the book is the inclusion of example texts and conversations,
many of them authentic, to show how grammar is used in connected writing and
in speech.