Chemical processes can be characterized in various ways. In one specific
case it may concern the presence or absence of electrical charges. This
was originally characterized as electrochemistry. Under electrochemistry
one finds further subcategories. Electrochemistry is concerned with such
simple systems as aqueous solutions of NaCl or more complex systems
such as the storage battery. In more complex systems we may add biological
cells with charged surfaces. Electrochemistry concerns the charge
distribution in the system. The charges near any interface give rise to
asymmetric potential. The latter is the subject matter of this book on the
electrical interfacial phenomena. The true distance between charges is the
main subject of interest.
The text deals with the double layer at the electrode‑solution interface.
The term double layer was used to analyze systems where the charge
distribution near interfaces becomes important for the system. Near any
interface, there is an asymmetrical charge distribution. This region is
where the electrical double layer exists.
case it may concern the presence or absence of electrical charges. This
was originally characterized as electrochemistry. Under electrochemistry
one finds further subcategories. Electrochemistry is concerned with such
simple systems as aqueous solutions of NaCl or more complex systems
such as the storage battery. In more complex systems we may add biological
cells with charged surfaces. Electrochemistry concerns the charge
distribution in the system. The charges near any interface give rise to
asymmetric potential. The latter is the subject matter of this book on the
electrical interfacial phenomena. The true distance between charges is the
main subject of interest.
The text deals with the double layer at the electrode‑solution interface.
The term double layer was used to analyze systems where the charge
distribution near interfaces becomes important for the system. Near any
interface, there is an asymmetrical charge distribution. This region is
where the electrical double layer exists.