Chemical Reactor Design, Optimization, and Scaleup

    Author: Azinuddin Genre: »

    This book can be considered a third edition since therewas an earlier book, Chemical
    Reactor Design, JohnWiley & Sons, 1987, that was followed by the first edition
    bearing the current title. The new title reflected an emphasis on optimization and
    particularly on scaleup, a topic rarely covered in detail in undergraduate or graduate
    education but of paramount importance to many practicing engineers. The treatment
    of biochemical and polymer reaction engineering is also more extensive than normal.
    There is a completely new chapter on meso-, micro-, and nanoreactors that includes
    such topics as axial diffusion in microreactors and self-assembly of nanostructures.
    Practitioners are a major audience for the new book. Here, in one spot, you
    will find a reasonably comprehensive treatment of reactor design, optimization, and
    scaleup. Spend a few minutes becoming comfortable with the notation (anyone bothering
    to read a Preface obviously has the inclination), and you will find practical
    answers to many design problems.

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