The subject matter of chemical engineering covers a very wide spectrum
of learning and the number of subject areas encompassed in both
undergraduate and graduate courses is inevitably increasing each year.
This wide variety of subjects makes it difficult to cover the whole subject
matter of chemical engineering in a single book. The present series is
therefore planned as a number of books covering areas of chemical
engineering which, although important, are not treated at any length in
graduate and postgraduate standard texts. Additionally, the series will
incorporate recent research material which has reached the stage where
an overall survey is appropriate, and where sufficient information is
available to merit publication in book form for the benefit of the
profession as a whole.
of learning and the number of subject areas encompassed in both
undergraduate and graduate courses is inevitably increasing each year.
This wide variety of subjects makes it difficult to cover the whole subject
matter of chemical engineering in a single book. The present series is
therefore planned as a number of books covering areas of chemical
engineering which, although important, are not treated at any length in
graduate and postgraduate standard texts. Additionally, the series will
incorporate recent research material which has reached the stage where
an overall survey is appropriate, and where sufficient information is
available to merit publication in book form for the benefit of the
profession as a whole.